Internationalization of higher education from the perspective of solidary and horizontal cooperation in the border region between Brazil and Uruguay
This study analyzes aspects of the internationalization of higher education in the South-South perspective, from the academic cooperation between two higher education institutions located in the border region between Brazil and Uruguay. Discussions regarding internationalization from the perspective of South-South cooperation are prioritized, depending on local and international public policies, as well as the viewpoints and the organizational culture for internationalization. There is an understanding that such a perspective may be inclined towards a solidary and horizontal cooperation or the commodification of higher education. The theoretical framework includes a literature review on the internationalization of higher education and the aspects of South-South cooperation. It is pointed out that the logic of higher education, based on solidary and horizontal international and regional cooperation, can enhance good academic practices, using “at home” internationalization and curriculum. The implementation of internationalization actions requires a joint effort between countries towards the appreciation of the epistemologies of the South and, notably, the rearticulation of national, regional, and international public policies, as to circumvent historical, cultural, and organizational aspects of higher education institutions located in the border region.
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