Community children choirs in education institutions and its role in the artistic, personal, and social development of the children in its ranks

Keywords: childhood education; choral singing; musical education; school- community integration.


Choral singing, just as musical education, aims to contribute to the personal growth and enjoyment of music, developing musicality in children. Thus, teachers must pose significant-enough musical challenges to children, just as they need to give children the ability to respond to such challenges. Since choral singing is both a musical and bodily activity, it transforms the body, especially the voice, into a musical instrument. As an accessible practice, it requires few resources beyond human material, being able to touch emotions, imagination and affections of singers and listeners. While dealing with children choirs in schools, the playful component is key; therefore, it is up to professionals to seek pedagogical and didactic quality, meeting the tastes and musical practices, not neglecting imagination and creativity. It is advocated that vocal education should be in the hands of professionals who privilege personal attention, emotional support and that promote the ability in children to define a line of conduct of openness to difference, curiosity, permanent discovery and growth.


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Author Biographies

Irene Cortesão Costa, Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti (ESEPF – Porto, Portugal)

Irene Cortesão Costa, graduated in Sociology (University of Porto), with the Music Course at the Conservatório do Porto; Master in Anthropology Applied to Community and Youth Work (Goldsmiths College, University of London) and PhD in Educational Sciences from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. Adjunct professor at Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti, responsible for the musical expression courses of basic and social education courses. Supervisor of professional internships in the field of early childhood education. Her areas of interest are research on artistic intervention in the community with children and young people, especially in the area of ​​music and the way in which these types of experiences can contribute to the personal, social and artistic development of these groups.

Isabel Menezes, Universidade do Porto (Portugual)

Isabel Menezes has a degree and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Porto, where she is a Full Professor in the Department of Educational Sciences, teaching in the areas of Educational Research and Intervention Methodologies, Education for Citizenship and Political Psychology. She does research on civic and political participation of children, youth and adults, with special interest in discriminated groups, and the ways in which non-formal education experiences, including in the artistic domain, can contribute to the empowerment of these groups.


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