Paratexts in image books chosen for Youth and Adult Education
This paper aims to analyze the use of paratexts in the image books of the National Program “School Library” – Youth and Adult Education (Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola – Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PNBE-EJA/2014). By a qualitative and analytical study, paratextual elements of four titles based on Genette (2009) were analyzed. The findings show that the cover and back cover primarily display information about the authors and that this works did not have flaps and prefaces. Thus, through an analysis of the spaces permeating the narrative, it was singled out contributions of paratextual elements for reading intermediation and for the reading education of students coming back to school in EJA classes. It is emphasized that paratexts enhance student's interaction with the aforementioned works.
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