How National College Entrance Examinations exclude students from higher education: the case of China

  • Memory Chipeta Beijing Normal University, Pequim, China
  • Guoyuan Sang Beijing Normal University, Pequim, China
Keywords: admission to higher education; China; higher education


This study aims to investigate how National College Entrance Examinations (NCEE) exclude certain students from higher education. To do so, researchers gathered articles from online journals with qualitative results that revealed findings that specifically answered the review’s goal. The main goal is to demonstrate the means and methods by which certain students are kept out of higher education. The entrance test changes that occurred after the NCEE’s reintroduction in 1977, such as differentiated selection criterion; selection policies such as the quota system, and unequal treatment of schools and students which include provision of school resources and services, all lead to the exclusion of ethnical minorities and rural students. The results provide an overview of the Chinese education system, in particular the nature of its strict national college examinations and insights of the problems Chinese students face.


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Author Biographies

Memory Chipeta, Beijing Normal University, Pequim, China

Mestranda em Liderança e Política de Educação na Faculdade de Educação, Beijing Normal University, Pequim, China.

Guoyuan Sang, Beijing Normal University, Pequim, China

Professor no Center for Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University, Pequim, China.


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