The The “light” weight of the Mignon Theater

  • Gianfranco Staccioli Universidade de Firenze (Unifi – Florença, Itália)
Keywords: active education; dramatic game; theater.


The Mignon Theater is a communication form that highlights the theatrical aspects of the educational dimension. It is simultaneously a “light”, expressive, simple and complex theater, bearing all key characteristics that have marked theater since its origins. Mignon Theater is a ludic theater of life based on two fundamental points (it proceeds calmly and in accordance to the rules of the dramatic game), having four characteristics (it is an à la carte, multi-room, craft, infinite theater). Those who practice it accompany the narration (of a story, a thought, a psychological character) with subtle and imperceptible elements, so that it has “a weightless gravity”. Mignon Theater brings those who practice it closer to that which directors and actors of contemporary theater trends search. Mignon Theater is based on the ludic dimension of the educational relationship. Playfulness, life and theater intertwine and create a theatrical action that is both directed to others and concerned to themselves. The adult who uses the theatrical game is within the scope of what, in respect to children, is called a “fictional game”.


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Author Biography

Gianfranco Staccioli, Universidade de Firenze (Unifi – Florença, Itália)

Professor na Universidade de Florença na Itália, Secretário Nacional dos Centri di Esercitazione ai Metodi dell’Educazione Ativa (Cemea) e Presidente do Museu da Escola. Possui numerosas publicações relacionadas com a animação musical e teatral. Entre suas últimas obras estão: Brincando para aprender (2018), A árvore das histórias (2018), O teatro no seu bolso (2019). Em português, dá-se destaque para o livro: Diário do acolhimento na escola da infância (2013).


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