Ethics and quality of education in times of COVID-19

  • Manuel Losada-Sierra Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG)
Keywords: ethics; excellence; quality management; vulnerability.


Based on the experience gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic, which revealed human beings’ vulnerability, this article points out how the concepts of quality coupled with quality management systems and the striving for excellence do not sufficiently meet the challenge of educating human beings capable to feel with others, and to enter into collaboration with each other, putting these values above personal interests and desire for success. This communal belonging reveals the fragility of human beings and, at the same time, the need to see others succeeding against risky conditions, as is the case of the current pandemic. Based on Judith Butler’s ethical proposal, the article proposes to take the vulnerable condition of the human being as a way to educate into caring for others and the environment. It concludes that recognizing and considering this imperfection is the way to respond to such individualism, brought about while emphasizing individual perfection and results achievement.


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Author Biography

Manuel Losada-Sierra, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG)

PhD en Filosofía por Griffith University, en Australia. Profesor titular de la Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, en Bogotá, Colombia. Investigador principal del Grupo de Investigación Humanitas y editor de la revista Academia y Virtualidad.


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